USB 3.1 C TYPE connector|
點閱: 507


Chang Yang Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 1984 specialized in connectors and cables including Audio, Home Theater, Video, Computer and Network Essentials. We have comprehensive product lines and always dedicate to invent and improve our products to maintain the highest customer satisfaction.
We have been awarded by ISO9001; ISO14001 and OHSAS18000 to provide our customer and end user reliable quality and satisfaction. Today, Chang yang is one of the adaptors in HDMI Licensing LLC.
In addition, we passed some licenses like HDMI1.4b ATC certificate ,CE,FCC,USB 3.0 approval ...etc in spite of providing most well-qualified products for our customers.
We work closely with our customers and maintain competitive edge by providing performance service and substantial customer satisfaction.

More Information:type c 3.1 cable

Chang Yang Electronics Company Ltd.
Rm. 2, 10F., No.77, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi City, Taipei County Taiwan (R.O.C.) 221
Tel: 886-2-26988028


Chang Yang Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 1984 specialized in connectors and cables including Audio, Home Theater, Video, Computer and Network Essentials. We have comprehensive product lines and always dedicate to invent and improve our products to maintain the highest customer satisfaction.
We have been awarded by ISO9001; ISO14001 and OHSAS18000 to provide our customer and end user reliable quality and satisfaction. Today, Chang yang is one of the adaptors in HDMI Licensing LLC.
In addition, we passed some licenses like HDMI1.4b ATC certificate ,CE,FCC,USB 3.0 approval ...etc in spite of providing most well-qualified products for our customers.
We work closely with our customers and maintain competitive edge by providing performance service and substantial customer satisfaction.

More Information:type c 3.1 cable

Chang Yang Electronics Company Ltd.
Rm. 2, 10F., No.77, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi City, Taipei County Taiwan (R.O.C.) 221
Tel: 886-2-26988028

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