OEM Speakers|Speaker Supp
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Asian based manufacturing with Taiwanese product engineering is the best formula for Best Quality with Best Price.
FCE, Quanzhou Feng Chiun Electronic CO., LTD. is a Taiwanese enterprise established in 1996 which is a high quality speaker manufacturer. It possesses R&D (Research & Development), manufacturing and marketing all rolled into one. The factory located in Quanzhou, Fujian and covers more than 60,000 ft2 with 8 beltlines and senior technicians and managers take 30% headcounts of our staffs. Our major products are all kinds of mini-speakers, multimedia speaker boxes, loudspeakers, ECM (electret condenser microphone), two-way radios, buzzers and etc. Our production capability reached over 2 million pieces per month. These outstanding products are widely used in NB, LCD TV, LCD Monitor, automotive, multimedia speaker boxes/enclosures, earphones, headphones, mobile phones and so on. Since 1996, our products have been widely entered into South-East Asian, European, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong markets.

We have introduced a series of advanced facilities and state-of-heart acoustic inspection equipment. Three decades manufacturing experience, technologies and management originated from Taiwan, make our company eligible from developing new product to manufacture.

Since establishment, Quality, Integrity and Custom Service are always our central virtues. Depending on scientific management, reliable quality, careful service and reasonable price, our company obtains good reputation not only from domestic market, but also from our overseas clients. Now, FCE has been famous in the international market.( Best audio speaker suppliers )

Advanced technology, latest inspection facility, specialized R&D team, perfect management system, support us to provide outstanding products with competitive price for you and we are SGS ISO9001:2008 certified, which further fulfills your quality requirement absolutely. RoHS compliant products are available for the EU and North American markets.Our company sincerely welcomes any consult and advice from our dear friends. We look forward to your support and cooperation. FCE OEM speaker manufacturer.

More Information:multimedia speaker supplier

Rm.8, 1F., No.232, Sec.2, Minsheng Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
P:+ 886 2 82522781
F:+ 886 2 82522782


Asian based manufacturing with Taiwanese product engineering is the best formula for Best Quality with Best Price.
FCE, Quanzhou Feng Chiun Electronic CO., LTD. is a Taiwanese enterprise established in 1996 which is a high quality speaker manufacturer. It possesses R&D (Research & Development), manufacturing and marketing all rolled into one. The factory located in Quanzhou, Fujian and covers more than 60,000 ft2 with 8 beltlines and senior technicians and managers take 30% headcounts of our staffs. Our major products are all kinds of mini-speakers, multimedia speaker boxes, loudspeakers, ECM (electret condenser microphone), two-way radios, buzzers and etc. Our production capability reached over 2 million pieces per month. These outstanding products are widely used in NB, LCD TV, LCD Monitor, automotive, multimedia speaker boxes/enclosures, earphones, headphones, mobile phones and so on. Since 1996, our products have been widely entered into South-East Asian, European, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong markets.

We have introduced a series of advanced facilities and state-of-heart acoustic inspection equipment. Three decades manufacturing experience, technologies and management originated from Taiwan, make our company eligible from developing new product to manufacture.

Since establishment, Quality, Integrity and Custom Service are always our central virtues. Depending on scientific management, reliable quality, careful service and reasonable price, our company obtains good reputation not only from domestic market, but also from our overseas clients. Now, FCE has been famous in the international market.( Best audio speaker suppliers )

Advanced technology, latest inspection facility, specialized R&D team, perfect management system, support us to provide outstanding products with competitive price for you and we are SGS ISO9001:2008 certified, which further fulfills your quality requirement absolutely. RoHS compliant products are available for the EU and North American markets.Our company sincerely welcomes any consult and advice from our dear friends. We look forward to your support and cooperation. FCE OEM speaker manufacturer.

More Information:multimedia speaker supplier

Rm.8, 1F., No.232, Sec.2, Minsheng Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
P:+ 886 2 82522781
F:+ 886 2 82522782

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