ac power source programma
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Preen (AC Power Corp.) will release the latest AFV-P series AC power supply. AFV-P series is a programmable AC power supply with DC output and precision measurement. This AC power supply with high power density comes in four power levels, 600VA, 1250VA, 2500VA and 5000VA, providing clean power with distortion less than 0.3% at 50/60Hz. The AFV-P series can deliver output voltage from 0VAC to 310VAC and output frequency from 40Hz to 500Hz (opt. 15 Hz to 1000Hz).

AFV-P series has total 1200 test steps in 50 built-in memories and transient generation function, which support users to simulate various states of power line disturbance. Additionally, users can also set up start/end phase angle from 0 to 360 degrees. With the latest PWM technology, the AFV-P series is capable of delivering up to 4.5 times of peak current from its maximum rated current, which makes it ideal for inrush current test. As mentioned above, AFV-P series is ideal for industries related to electronics, electrical engineering, renewable energy, defense and aerospace from design verification, quality assurance, ATE to mass production.

More Information:Preen programmable power supply manufacturer


Preen (AC Power Corp.) will release the latest AFV-P series AC power supply. AFV-P series is a programmable AC power supply with DC output and precision measurement. This AC power supply with high power density comes in four power levels, 600VA, 1250VA, 2500VA and 5000VA, providing clean power with distortion less than 0.3% at 50/60Hz. The AFV-P series can deliver output voltage from 0VAC to 310VAC and output frequency from 40Hz to 500Hz (opt. 15 Hz to 1000Hz).

AFV-P series has total 1200 test steps in 50 built-in memories and transient generation function, which support users to simulate various states of power line disturbance. Additionally, users can also set up start/end phase angle from 0 to 360 degrees. With the latest PWM technology, the AFV-P series is capable of delivering up to 4.5 times of peak current from its maximum rated current, which makes it ideal for inrush current test. As mentioned above, AFV-P series is ideal for industries related to electronics, electrical engineering, renewable energy, defense and aerospace from design verification, quality assurance, ATE to mass production.

More Information:Preen programmable power supply manufacturer

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