bubble tea maker、supplies
點閱: 424



Most bubble tea shops in Singapore do not actually use real milk - they use powdered creamer which already has artificial substances - while some shops also use artificial flavours or colours in the form of powders or syrups.
Artificial additions are not good for our body. Preservatives are another villain in this narrative alongside sugars and syrups, which make our bubble tea all the more delicious, long-lasting, sinful and diabetic. It is also a reason why we sometimes get headaches after having too much bubble tea.
At Bobii Frutii, the drinks are made with natural ingredients like butterfly pea extract, fresh milk and fruit juice. The sweetness comes from premium cane sugar syrup that is made in-house - as opposed to regular brown sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Like many other popular bubble tea shops, you can also choose the level of sweetness for your drink.

KeyWords Tag:BASE TEA



Most bubble tea shops in Singapore do not actually use real milk - they use powdered creamer which already has artificial substances - while some shops also use artificial flavours or colours in the form of powders or syrups.
Artificial additions are not good for our body. Preservatives are another villain in this narrative alongside sugars and syrups, which make our bubble tea all the more delicious, long-lasting, sinful and diabetic. It is also a reason why we sometimes get headaches after having too much bubble tea.
At Bobii Frutii, the drinks are made with natural ingredients like butterfly pea extract, fresh milk and fruit juice. The sweetness comes from premium cane sugar syrup that is made in-house - as opposed to regular brown sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Like many other popular bubble tea shops, you can also choose the level of sweetness for your drink.

KeyWords Tag:BASE TEA

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